
Showing posts from September, 2018

Shabad 22: Utath Baitath Sovat Jaagat

UTHATH BAITHAT SOVAT JAAGAT EH MANN TUJHAY CHITAARAY ऊठत बैठत सोवत जागत इहु मनु तुझहि चितारै Uthat Baithat Sovat Jaagat Ih Man TUJHE Chitaaray. Sitting down, standing up, sleeping and waking, this mind thinks of YOU.       सूख दूख इसु मन की बिरथा              तुझ ही आगै सारै .             Sukh Dukh Is Man                    Ki Birtha TUJH Hi                    Aagay Saaray.   I describe to YOU my pleasure and pain, and the state of this mind. प्रभ जी तू मेरे प्रान अधारै .          PARABH Ji TU Mere                 Praan Adhaaray. O Dear GOD, YOU are the Support of my breath of life.       नमसकार डंडउति बंदना             अनिक बार जाउ बारै .            Namaskaar                   Dandaot Bandnaa                   Anik Baar Jaao                   Baaray. I how in humility and reverence to YOU. So many times, I am a sacrifice.       तू मेरी ओट बल बुधि धनु तुम              ही तुमहि मेरै परवारै .