Shabad 25 : Naam Sada Sukhdaaee NAAM Sada Sukhdaaee. 🌹The Name of the LORD is forever the GIVER of peace. Ja Ko Simar AJAAMAL Udhaareyo, GANIKA Hoo Gatt Paaee. 🌹Meditating in remembrance on it, AJAAMAL was saved and GANIKA the prostitute was emancipated. Panchaali Ko, Raaj Sabha Main, RAM NAAM Sudh Aaee. 🌹DROPHDEE (Panchaali), the princess of Panchaal remembered the LORD'S Name in the Royal Court. Ta Ko Dookh, Hareyo Karunamay, Apni Paij Badhaaee. 🌹The LORD, the embodiment of mercy, removed her suffering. Thus HIS own glory was increased. Jay Nar Jass, Kirpa Nidh Gaaeyo, Ta Ko Bhaeyo Sahaaee. 🌹That man, who sings the Praise of the LORD, the treasure of mercy, has the help and support of the LORD. Kaho NANAK Mai, Ehee Bharosay, Gahee Aan Sharnaaee. 🌹Says NANAK, I...