
Showing posts from June, 2021

Shabad 41 : Sab Gobind Hain

  Sab Gobind Hain ik-oa N kaar sa t gur parsaa d . One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: aasaa ba n ee saree naam d ay-o jee kee Aasaa, The Word Of The Reverend Naam Dayv Jee: ayk anayk bi-aapak poorak ja t   d ay kh -a-u  t a t  so-ee. In the one and in the many, He is pervading and permeating; wherever I look, there He is. maa-i-aa chi t ar bachi t ar bimohi t  birlaa boo jh ai ko-ee. ||1|| The marvellous image of Maya is so fascinating; how few understand this. ||1|| sa bh  gobin d  hai sa bh  gobin d  hai gobin d  bin nahee ko-ee. God is everything, God is everything. Without God, there is nothing at all. soo t  ayk ma n  sa t  saha N s jaisay o t  po t  para bh  so-ee. ||1|| rahaa-o. As one thread holds hundreds and thousands of beads, He is woven into His creation.  jal  t arang ar fayn bu d bu d aa jal  t ay  bh inn na ho-ee. The waves of the water, the foam and bubbles, are not distinct from the water. ih parpanch