Shabad 5: Dithaa Sab Sansaar Sukh Na Naam Bin
Gurbani Tags: Gurbani, Keertan Ang: 322 Raag: Raag Gauree Writer: Guru Arjan Dev Ji
Dithaa sab sansaar sukh na naam bin |
tan dhan hosee shaar jaanai koe jan |
jeevan padh nirabaan eiko simareeai |
dhoojee naahee jaae kin bidh dheereeai |
rang roop ras baadh k karehi paraaneeaa |
jis bhulaaeae aap this kal nehee jaaneeaa |
rang rathae nirabaan sachaa gaavehee |
naanak saran dhuaar jae thudh bhaavehee |
I have seen the whole world - without the Lord's Name, there is no peace at all.
Body and wealth shall return to dust - hardly anyone realizes this.
To obtain the state of life of Nirvaanaa, meditate in remembrance on the One Lord.
There is no other place; how else can we be comforted?
Pleasure, beauty and delicious tastes are useless; what are you doing, O mortal?
One whom the Lord Himself leads, does not understand His awesome power.
Those who are imbued with the Love of the Lord attain Nirvaanaa, singing the Praises of the True One.
Nanak: those who are pleasing to Your Will, O Lord, seek Sanctuary at Your Door.
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