Shabad 28 : Ati Uncha Taan Ka Darbara
SGGS Ang(Page) 562
अति ऊचा ता का दरबारा
At ucha ta ka ḏarbaara
His Darbaar, His Court, is the most lofty and exalted.
अंतु नाही किछु पारावारा
Ant naahi kichh paaraavaara
It has no end or limitations.
कोटि कोटि कोटि लख धावै
Kot kot kot lakẖ ḏẖaavai
Millions, millions, tens of millions seek,
इकु तिलु ता का महलु न पावै
Ik ṯil ṯā kā mahal na paavai
but they cannot find even a tiny bit of His Mansion.
सुहावी कउणु सु वेला जितु प्रभ मेला
सुहावी - मंगल pleasant
वेला - time, period
Suhāvī kauṇ so velā jiṯ prabẖ mela
What is that auspicious moment, when God is met?
लाख भगत जा कउ आराधहि
Lākẖ bẖagaṯ jā kao aaraaḏẖeh.
Tens of thousands of devotees worship Him in adoration.
लाख तपीसर तपु ही साधहि
Lākẖ ṯapīsar ṯap hī sāḏẖėh.
Tens of thousands of ascetics practice austere discipline.
लाख जोगीसर करते जोगा
Lākẖ jogīsar karṯe jogā.
Tens of thousands of Yogis practice Yoga.
लाख भोगीसर भोगहि भोगा
Lākẖ bẖogīsar bẖogėh bẖogā.
Tens of thousands of pleasure seekers seek pleasure.
घटि घटि वसहि जाणहि थोरा
Gẖat gẖat vasėh jāṇėh thorā.
He dwells in each and every heart, but only a few know this.
है कोई साजणु परदा तोरा
Hai koī sājaṇ parḏā ṯorā.
Is there any friend who can rip apart the screen of separation?
करउ जतन जे होइ मिहरवाना
Karao jaṯan je hoe miharvānā.
I can only make the effort, if the Lord is merciful to me.
ता कउ देई जीउ कुरबाना
Ŧā kao ḏeī jīo kurbānā.
I sacrifice my body and soul to Him.
फिरत फिरत संतन पहि आइआ
Firaṯ firaṯ sanṯan pėh āiā.
After wandering around for so long, I have finally come to the Saints;
दूख भ्रमु हमारा सगल मिटाइआ
Ḏūkẖ bẖram hamārā sagal mitaaiaa.
all of my pains and doubts have been eradicated.
महलि बुलाइआ प्रभ अम्रितु भूंचा
Mahal bulāaiā prabẖ amriṯ bẖūncẖā.
God summoned me to the Mansion of His Presence, and blessed me with the Ambrosial Nectar of His Name.
कहु नानक प्रभु मेरा ऊचा
Kaho Nānak parabẖ merā ūcẖā.
Says Nanak, my God is lofty and exalted.
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