Shabad 35 : Jo Mange Thakur Apne te, Soi Soi Deve
Jo Mange Thakur Apne te, Soi Soi Deve
A poem of gratitude, faith and complete acceptance by Guru Arjan Dev ji (15 April 1563 – 30 May 1606) - The 5th Sikh Guru who compiled the first official edition of the Sikh scripture called the Adi Granth, which later expanded into the Guru Granth Sahib

Jo mange thakur apne te, soi soi deve
The Lord gives whatever is asked from Him.
Chatur disa kino bal apna, sir upar kar dhareyo
Kirpa katakh avalokan kino, das ka dukh bidaryo
He has spread His power in the four directions, and has put His hand on my head.
Looking with gracious eyes, He has removed the pain of His servant.
Harijan rakhe Guru Govind, rakhe Guru Govind
Kanth lae avguna gab mete, dyal purakh bakshind
Master, who is the Lord, protects His people Himself.
Removing all the bad qualities, the Compassionate and Forgiving One embraces (me).
Jo mange Thakur apne te, soi soi deve
Nanak das mukh te jo bole, iha uha sach hove
The Lord gives whatever is asked from Him.
Whatever Nanak, the servant, speaks from His mouth becomes true here and hereafter.
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